
Earthlife had hoped that the news of the long term cost of nuclear power in the UK, and the multi-billion pound cleanup bill that the government and ultimately the British people will have to bear, would be enough to convince our government that nuclear power is uneconomical. Gambling with taxpayers money on questionable technology in the hope that this time nuclear energy will not be a complete loss is unacceptable. Funds should rather be channelled into renewable energy technology and safer, cleaner, long term solutions to energy in South Africa.
Why say NO to nuclear energy?
Public Citizen - Nuclear power is not Clean or Green!
What you need to know about South Africa's nuclear programme! (Booklet: PDF file - 1Mb)
Earthlife Africa members and other supporters of the campaign demonstrating their solidarity outside the Pretoria High Court on 26 May 2003.
Earthlife say that Government's energy policy should protect all South Africans.
Nuclear energy is not safe!
eskom closes down in may 05
Court judgement PBMR EIA 26th jan 05
Basis for court action
joint press release
Position statement
Areva update on PBMR investment
safety review conclusion and findings
safety review koeberg pbmr and waste
safety review - pbmr why use it
saefty review - healthy option
Safety review koeberg ch4 Operational Risk and Issues
Safety review - koeberg legace ch 4.1
safety review background
sAFETY REVIEW - introduction and overview
Safety Review of Koeberg summary and contents
letter to french emassy 18 feb 04
namrec letter to parliament 18 feb04
18 feb day of action
nucleonics week framatome about to invest in pbmr
preparation for summit
nuclear summit info
Programme for the summit feb 04
Is the PBMR new technology?
ELA CT comment to dme on radwaste policy
DME refuses to let S.African have their say
What is this radioactive waste and what are the options?
PBMR EIA Record of Decision Legal Case Summary
Radioactive waste policy - how to get involved?
Health Impacts of Nuclear Radiation
Who is paying for the PBMR?
Radioactive Nuclear Waste
PBMR: Take action now!