Dear Editor It is not surprising to hear that the Britain's newest and most controversial nuclear plant which senior sources at the company that runs it, British Nuclear Fuel Limited (BFNL), admitted sometime mid-May is not working. Despite the environmentalists and public?s outcry regarding safety and economic issues the British government proceeded and gave the green light to the reactor. This sITUation cost the British tax payers 470 Million pounds which if reasonability was the case could have been used in the best interests of the British majority This is certainly not nuclear energy. However, BFNL is the same company that happens to be the one and the only international investor on the similarly controversial Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) proposed by our very own state owned energy company Eskom. Word has it that BFNL is bankrupt and thus Eskom has beeN playing their PR role and doing all efforts to cover and deny that. Similar to the British case, the PBMR is set to fail as it entails very similar issues with the British one. The public purse has been abused with intetion to develop a plant with NO BENEFIT to the majority. Further, safety and environmental issues are overlooked such as vulnerability to terrorists etc. Does history have to repeat it self? When do we learn that nuclear is not the way to go? Sibusiso Mimi Earthlife Africa Cape Town Sibusiso Mimi Earthlife Africa (Cape Town) P.O Box 176 Obsevatory Tel: + 27 (0) 21 4474912 Fax + 27 (0) 21 4480145 Email: [email protected] ?? |