RELEASE: Immediate Friday, 7 July 2003 Att: Environmental Editor Subject: Plastic bags Plastic Bags not part of Sustainable Development Earthlife Africa Cape Town admires the intent of Government with regard to phasing out of plastic bags. From an environmental view point, plastic packaging should be banned completely. It is not biodegradable, is not environmentally friendly and should not be part of any long term sustainable development plan. South Africa has committed itself to sustainable development and should be looking to increase jobs in environmentally responsible, safe and healthy packaging. This could be in the form of incentives for non-plastic packaging, to assist the industry with conversion or start up costs. Earthlife Africa Cape Town would like to see harsh action taken against those irresponsible retailers who are resisting this move to a more environmentally responsible society. From a consumer viewpoint, we have developed into a throw-away society, in the case of plastic bags, many people only use them to carry their shopping home, after that they are thrown away. As consumers, we have been paying for this product, this plastic bag. Should there be legislation that forces the plastic bags to transparently costed, this would benefit consumers in that there is some transparency. For those more environmentally conscious retailers who have taken the Government's intentions to heart, we now know what we are paying for. Yes, this acts as a disincentive to buy plastic bags. According to the media, the result is that there has been about 90% decrease in the use of plastic bags. But from an environmental perspective, this is what we want - less plastic littering our surroundings. This shows that South Africans can change their behaviour. For those retailers who continue to hand out thin bags with their logo on, the only thing you are advertising is your lack of responsibility. Liz McDaid Earthlife Africa Cape Town Tel: 082 731 5643 Email: [email protected] Website: earthlife-ct.org.za ?? |