The Africa Rivers Network was established in November 2003 and will focus on large dams in Africa. It is open to all groups who endorse the The Rasi Salai Declaration and our own vision statement Contact People: ·Central Africa:Akong Charles Ndika (Cameroon) [email protected] ·East Africa:Chacha Benedict Wambura (Tanzania) [email protected] ·North Africa: To be investigated ·Southern Africa:Liane Greeff (South Africa)[email protected] ·West Africa:Richard Twum Barimah Koranteng (Ghana) [email protected] Listserve: Bryan Ashe (South Africa) [email protected] subcribe by sending a blank e-mail to : [email protected] The African Rivers Network is structured in such a way as to minimise hierarchy and administration and to maximise cooperation across the continent (without increasing the work burden of any one member) ·Identify key meetings in Africa and mobilise people to attend but members are responsible for fundraising for their own participation in these meetings ·Translation is a priority issue ·To promote solidarity amongst our individual campaigns ·To amplify our voices in important continent-wide discussions ·To counter Nepad and it's policies promoting large dams and privatisation ·To promote the recommendations of the WCD through national processes and other mechanisms